Start with our 6-week Pod Program and progress from there...

Duration: 6 weeks
Consider this your mental fitness boot camp!
The POD Program gives you the insights, motivation, and structure to learn by practising just 15-minutes per day for 6 weeks. The program combines weekly video sessions with daily app-guided practices to boost your mental fitness muscles.
6-week program.
A weekly one-hour meeting (currently held online) led by your Executive Mindset Coach, to discuss and reflect on your progress with the support of your pod members.
Led by a dedicated app on your mobile phone.
Only 15 minutes of daily practice is required.
Watch a one-hour video each week to learn about growing your Mental Fitness.
Access to the 'Positive Intelligence' audiobook.
Access to a wider PQ community across the globe via your app.
After finishing Pod Program, maintain and improve your mental fitness with our further coaching options...
Practise and maintain your mental fitness.
After completing your initial 6-week Pod Program, you can continue to access your app for a further 10-months (or until the next software update), but you'll have no further coaching from The Executive Mindset and no new content on the app.
Keep what you have for up to 10 months.
No coaching or support from The Executive Mindset.
No new content.
No focus of the day.
No new challenges.

Contact us to discuss Grow
Receive deeper and more insightful content.
After completing your initial Pod Program, continue to access regular, new content on your app including daily focuses and challenges.
Keep your app content from Pod Program.
Receive regular, new content on your app.
Renew quarterly with the option to drop into our Maintain Program in the future.
Contact us to discuss Accelerate
Go beyond building your mental fitness, and move to your next level of performance...
The Accelerate Program will substantially increase your use of the PQ operating system in your life, allowing you to move beyond just maintaining your mental fitness, to applying it to everyday situations in both your professional and personal lives.
Enjoy all the benefits of our Grow Program.
Receive 6 x 30-minute private coaching sessions per quarter with your own Mental Fitness coach.
Unlimited access to your coach between sessions.
Receive regular, new content on your app.
Renew quarterly with the options to drop into either Maintain or Grow in the future

Money-back peace of mind for you
Our coaching is 100% guaranteed.
If you do the agreed work in the first 2 months but decide it’s just not for you, we offer a full refund.
If at any time during the training you've got what you needed from the program, stop with nothing more to pay.
What have you got to lose?
About PQ coaching
Mental fitness is a measure of the strength of your positive mental muscles versus the negative. This measure of your Mental Fitness is called PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient). Our mental fitness coaching programs are built on the ground-breaking PQ method of Stanford Lecturer, Shirzad Chamine, whose research with over 500,000 participants has shown PQ to be the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential.