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Interview with Lee Woods.

THE EXECUTIVE MINDSET has helped countless executives to build their mental fitness, to achieve their goals, and to approach circumstances with a calmer and more positive mindset.

Lee Woods, Operations Director at Pennington Choices, shares his Mental Fitness Coaching experience.


Operations Director

1. Had you undertaken any other coaching or training programs prior to the mental fitness program run by Graham? If yes, did they meet your expectations?

Yes, I always have had personal coaching which met my expectations. However, these sessions don’t specifically focus on mental fitness only, as is the case with THE EXECUTIVE MINDSET training.

2. What was your overall impression of Mental Fitness Coaching before you underwent our coaching?

I was sceptical of the proposed training at first. However, I decided to do it as a cohort of my colleagues also decided to do it.

3. How did it feel to be coached by THE EXECUTIVE MINDSET?

My scepticism soon disappeared as I started to feel the immediate benefits from the programme. Graham was an excellent coach and facilitator for our cohort and helped us get the most out of the program.

4. As you went through the coaching journey, how did it change things for you?

It allowed me to think and operate in a different, and better way. The ability to intercept the different ways I was sabotaging myself and use the tools learnt to tackle them, has had a profound and positive impact for me personally and I hope for those who work with me.

5. You undertook your coaching as part of a pod - What was your pod experience like, and would you recommend it to other participants?

The pod experience was brilliant – the cohort, who are close, built additional trust and confidence with each other, and were able to show and share vulnerability in a powerful way. Yes, I would recommend the pod experience to other participants.

6. What did you hope to achieve from your coaching? Were your expectations met?

My goal in attending the coaching programme was to be happier both in work and in my personal life. I feel that both expectations have been met. I will continue to practice and use the learning.

7. What new strengths can you see you have developed from the coaching experience?

I can recognise when I am sabotaging myself, then intercept these thoughts and use my new power of mental strength to get better results in my work life and personal life.

8. Were there any unexpected outcomes for you from your coaching program that you’d be willing to share?

I suppose I have gone from being a sceptic to an advocate of mental fitness training. I spend a lot of time on my physical fitness; however, I haven’t previously considered the importance of my mental fitness.

Having spent eight weeks to date working on my mental fitness, I can see the benefits that this brings to me.

9. What will you now do differently to how you operated before the coaching experience?

I do believe this programme has made me more empathetic, relaxed and more chilled out, without losing focus on what needs to be delivered.

10. Having undertaken our mental fitness coaching program, what would you say to another business leader who thinks that they don’t need mental fitness coaching?

I would say that any leader could and would benefit from mental fitness coaching, as it will enable them to build better, more productive relationships, as well as dealing with difficult issues in a sound and logical way.

11. What would you say to someone who thinks that they don’t have time to be coached?

Stop being a busy fool and make time – you won’t regret it!

12. Would you recommend THE EXECUTIVE MINDSET mental fitness coaching to other business leaders? Why?

Yes – because Graham is easy to work with and enabled participants in our cohort to explore what’s on their mind, in a ‘safe space’.


THE EXECUTIVE MINDSET offers a guaranteed 12-month coaching program for business owners and leaders that will dramatically improve your mental fitness in as little as 6-weeks.

To find out more contact us today, or why not book a no-obligation video call with one of our coaches and start training towards improving your mental fitness.



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